A healthy love relationship is a relationship where each partner feels loved and cared for by the other lover and enjoys happy moments together. Developing a strong love relationship is a complex and time-consuming process. it is essential that every person contributed the best in achieving a strong intimate love relationship. Below are tips on how you can achieve strong intimacy with your partner.

Develop and maintain a meaningful connection with your partner
Make your partner feel loved and cared in the relationship. Make your date center of your affair. Ensure frequent communication through calls and chats. Ask about how your partner is every time to keep one feel loved.
Disagree in a respectful manner
Understand your partner’s feelings during disagreement. Always create a happy mood and tactfully present your disagreement on fears of your love relationship. Talk to your partner openly on issues affecting you and register your disagreements in respectful manner. Use of abusive language and exhibiting behaviors to humiliate your partner creates distress, hatred and disrespect. Do not be the right one every time, acknowledge your mistakes and correct them when highlighted by your spouse.
Enrich your romance with new things
Health love affair require new happy moments to keep it going. Engage in romantic activities like adventure, going for outdoor dinner, dancing together among others. Always make a new romantic move when you realize dormant moments in love affair. Keep friends’ affairs outside your love affair. The biggest threat to love affair is making comparison of your partner with other people. Do not compare your love with other couples, it creates a recipe for confusion and misguided actions.

Manage outsider pressure on your relationships
Not every person is happy seeing your love relationship prosper in happiness, love, compassion and trust. People will formulate stories, create scenes to get you separated. Investigate any allegation of your partner misbehavior and talk about it openly over the issue. Acting before thinking is dangerous in love relationship. In case one proof that your partner is misbehaving, try talking to one another over the issue. Solve the challenge peacefully, if impossible, do not harm one another. Seek advice from therapists and make correct choice.